Friday, September 12, 2008

First Day of School

Beatrice was thrilled to be a big kid and go off to school this year. She is used to being away from mom and dad for 9 hours a day while I am at work, so 2 1/2 hours was NO big deal.

On Monday, Sept. 9 she started 4's at FUNschool which stands for First United Methodist where the church is held. Her teachers are Ms. Deb and Ms.Vicki.

On Monday, I went with Bebe from 9-10am for the open house. After 30 minutes she said she was "bored" and asked to go to Jean's house!! I was worried she won't want to go back to FUN, but that was definitely NOT the case. She looks forward to school and asks if it is a school day when she first wakes up. She also has been putting on her own clothes right out of bed if she knows it is a school day. Today she wrote her name along with a bunch of A's, H's and S's (for you know who). Bea also told me she met some new friends, who of course she had to add are "girls". On school days I either run or bike them down to Bea's school since it is right downtown, good exercise and saves gas!

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