Friday, July 25, 2008

The summer scene

I guess you could say there is a "summer scene" going on in town. The city event planners must be mothers (or stay at home daddies!)

There comes a point in each mother's day when it's time to get out of the house- to get a break from the strewn pieces of paper littering the floor, stepped on crayons, whiney kids and the call of laundry to head out for some special, free event that beckons all families to its lawns. I'm constantly amazed at what Holland has to offer to enrich children's lives.

Today was the children's concert in Centennial Park at noon, part of the summer scene. What an outing. We had met up with Kendra and Anneke at Smallenberg Park prior (along with Emily/Graham and Betsy VF with two of her girls) to wear the kids out before having them listen to the music in the park. It's quite something to hear an electronic harp player play "Yellow Submarine". Sylvie and Bebe got up front and danced to the music together. Sylvie looks like she has a bit of musical goove on and Bea looks like a Christian school girl at her first dance.

I think it is fabulous that all the mothers, dads, grandmas and grandpas get out for these events- to get a break from the ordinary and mingle amongst each other, if only for an hour, to realize we are all in this together, creating one large summer scene...

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